February 10
Marias Valley Golf Course
10 am - 2 pm, lunch meeting
February 11
Nutrien Chester Warehouse
10 am - 2 pm, lunch meeting
February 12
Havre Duck Inn
1 pm - 5 pm, dinner to follow
February 13
Fort Benton
Fort Benton Ag Center
10 am - 2 pm, lunch meeting
Speaker Line-up
Seed Update
Austin Orcutt/Mitch Ereaux/Sam Davison
Wheat, durum, canola, pulse, others, data,
review product profile book, Spring Forage Crops
Loveland Products | Josh Williams
Water Conditioner, Leci-Tech LI700 and Liberate,
New Awaken ST, Terramar & Infuse
Nutien’s Nutrien Financial | Scott Bame
Bayer | Seth Anderson
Special Guest
Soil Scientist Brian Grebliunas PHD
Chinook, North Boarder Analytics LLC
Producer Questions / lunch / Dinner